collection artist: Jaime Hayde

we are very happy to present our newest addition to the dandy collection:

i want candy. :: the dandy collection #00009 :: 2021

i want candy. :: the dandy collection #00009 :: 2021


[dandy:] Where did you grow up?
[Hayde:] I grew up in Getxo, in the north of Spain, but I spent two years of my life in Maracaibo, Venezuela until my parents got divorced. Then my mom, my older brother, and me came back to Spain.

Oh okay, where do you live now?
I live in Getxo still- the same town I grew up in. But I try to move around to different places. I lived in Madrid for a while- I'm planning to move again right now acually. Would love to set up headquarters here, and spend more time in other countries. Stay like two months in each place. I would love to start with Mexico

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Your style is very unique and recognizable. How do you like to describe it?
Thank you for thinking so. I enjoy playing a lot with shapes and colors, then the lines help me to define the details. I consider it funny, and a bit sassy- but I like that it can still can be applied to many other subjects.

How did you develop it?
If you scroll down on my instagram you can see the process. It all started with a teacher saying my work was disgusting. So I forced myself to try new things- and that’s what I do. I spend many hours drawing and evolving.

Will you tell us a little about the piece you made for dandy?
It’s a big man, licking an ice cream! I tend to just combine things I like in my art. I love how the image of a strong man can be softened with an ice cream cone. It's very fun and sexy, without getting graphic.

You seem to handle that balance quite well in all of your work.
Yes, I love to do that. I think that suggesting is sexier than showing.

When we were chatting before, you said you didn't consider yourself an "artist." Why is that?
Artists don’t work with a brief normally, it’s more about whatever you want to communicate. For work, I have to draw from a brief, so I think of that as a different thing. Regarding my personal work, I would certainly say I'm an artist, though.

What is your favorite subject when you are creating?
Well, in my personal work I love to show love. The kind of things I like to see in the world. Gay love. Romantic rather than erotic- and I love all kinds of animals.

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So what have you been working on lately?
I've been doing a lot of client work, and also trying to stay calm in this pandemic situation. I have had to put my personal work to the side, but I did launch my new website recently.

It looks amazing!
Yeah. I am happy with it. I had to do a lot of illustrations for it!

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You also, have a new art book coming out right?
Yes, the book is a compilation from the drawings I did during the first lockdown, because I was all alone. I like to show love between men, because sometimes we have to hide it, or we only focus on sexual things- which are perfect- but I also love love. It's 104 pages in full color, and I am currently securing a publisher.


So whats your favorite color?
Garnet. Actually Anything related to red

That’s surprising to me- you don't seem to use much red in your work.
I think I used to use a completely different color palette but then i met my current boyfriend, and fell in love so deeply. He is also an illustrator, so i think that somehow his joy- his way of seeing life- influenced me and my color palette suddenly changed.

It's good for an artist to be open to big shifts like that and explore new territory.
Yes absolutely, I have learned a lot in my art through my big life experiences.

So now that your new website is up and running, do you have any personal projects on the horizon?
Yes, always. I have a list. I want to get involved in more LGBTQ projects, and I'm working on a graphic novel.

Sounds interesting, what's that going to be about?
It's a gay love story. A happy one. And I am one of the characters. I'm writing and illustrating it. I'm just so tired of sad stories. I want to show a positive message- that there's a lot of joy in our lives.

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more work in the dandy gallery


website/shop ::
instagram :: @jaime_hayde_illustration

please feel free to show your appreciation or start a discussion in the comments…


artist feature: TotesFerosh