collection artist: Juanmi Rodríguez
Yoga :: dandy collection #00007 :: 2021
It wasn't until I decided to approached Juanmi Rodríguez to create a piece for the dandy collection that I realized I was already quite familiar with his work, and had admired it on many occasions- I just hadn't connected the dots. Once I made that connection, his style became instantly recognizable. His semi-realistic drawings are consistently appealing because he has an amazing eye for which compositions will translate well to the paper in graphite. His subject matter is engaging not only because it is overtly erotic, but it also tends toward a narrative that leaves just enough to the imagination. Plus, he shows an eagerness about his process that proves his fire for creating expressive erotic art is just getting rolling, and simply put, he is a true pleasure to work with.
So tell us about your life as a queer artist.
I am one of many gay boys who have grown up as straight, in a family that is far from the gay world- but has always been understanding and open about that issue- in a town where not everyone saw it as normal. I am currently openly gay and I live with my boyfriend with whom I have been in a relationship for 9 years.
Where did you grow up?
I grew up in southern Spain in Aljaraque, a town very close to Huelva, in Andalusia. I have now been living in Huelva for a few years, but I often visit my hometown to see my family. Huelva is a beautiful place, where you can find the best beaches in Spain. It is not a very artistic city, but for some time now there have been a few great artists emerging who are leaving their mark with some beautiful work, though little of it is homoerotic.
What's your favorite subject for your art?
I love to draw the male body in unusual, but appealing poses. I like to create an interesting contrast of light by mixing bodies with different textures- fabrics, leather, ropes- and garments like boots, socks, or briefs. It gives a sensual, fetishistic touch to the work overall, that I find to be very attractive. I also usually like to focus on a specific part of the body, and try to create something that is homoerotic without being vulgar.
Who are your favorite artists?
One of my favorite artists is René Farias, I am fascinated by his use of color, and the energy he conveys with his work, for me he is a great artist with whom I learn a lot just by looking at his art. Another artist I admire a lot is Enrique Moreiro, an interdisciplinary artist who has always given me very good advice on how to use my materials. I admire his style, which is based in everyday realism. I also have to mention Brad Welch, who creates beautiful homoerotic fantasies- and has perfect technique for drawing hands, a part feared by many artists. I am really proud to have one of his works in my home. I don't have any kind of artistic training, so these artists motivate me to continue doing what I do.
How long have you been drawing queer subject matter?
Well, I started creating art through doing commissioned portraits. I haven't been showing my homoerotic work for very long. I starting putting it up on my social networks and thanks to that, some of my pieces have been exhibited in a gallery in Germany, and others have been published in a homoerotic art magazine. It is a pleasure to be able to appear on this site of queer artists as well, so I am very satisfied with what I have achieved in such a short time.
What brings you the most joy in life?
For me, the most important thing today is my family- including my partner- my nephew, and my friends. They make my life easier and happier.
What is your biggest pet peeve?
I am bothered by people's conformity to situations of injustice, inconsistency, or negativity. Sometimes I am pessimistic enough about my issues, I do not need any more from other people.
What is your favorite color?
My favorite color is blue. Perhaps because I have always lived near the sea, in a place where summer is very long and the sky has always been very clear and blue.
What do you do when you aren't making art?
I like music and reading, because I can immerse myself in a world of my own creation, and they are also very inspiring for new creations. I always spend a lot of time with my friends, we have grown up together and have been friends since we were children. They are my chosen family. You know, in small towns we all know each other and great friendships are always created that last a lifetime.
What was your most memorable art project?
For my mother, it is the drawing with which I won my first contest at school. For me it may be the first male nude I did when I was doing portraits. It was a work on canvas that was 120 by 60 centimeters [48"x 24"] that I sent a client for display in his home. At that time it was something big for me, I only made small portraits that did not leave my city, and that was the first little step that led the way toward what I am doing now.
What are you working on now, and what's next?
I am currently working on a personal commission of a complete male nude. It is definitely more erotic than artistic, but when it comes to orders, the client is the boss. My next step would be to start practicing with live nudes. As I don't have any training, it's very difficult for me to create a good drawing in a short time- I need to dedicate a few days to do something worthwhile- but I am eager to see what comes out of that.
more uncensored work in the dandy gallery
instagram :: @jmy.maleinart
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