collection artist: woah_vv

we are very happy to present our newest addition to the dandy collection:

Sunshine :: the dandy collection #00008 :: 2021

Sunshine :: the dandy collection #00008 :: 2021

As a huge fan of colorful queer art (and color theory in general), woah_vv’s work naturally caught my attention. The hue combinations and images he selects for his pieces are perpetually intriguing, and his art genuinely reflects his laid-back, but vibrant and sexy personality. Though he is untrained, the promise he shows this early in his career means he will inevitably make a huge impact with his future projects, and I am looking forward to watching where he will take them.

[dandy:] Where did you grow up?
[woah_vv:] Southern California. Beach cities. I think that’s why i use so many surfing, ocean, and beach photos. I mean also they are pretty. I moved up here to Portland a few years ago. It’s cute. I definitely miss California, but Portland’s home for now.

How would you describe your style?
Very gay. Artistically speaking, I guess I would call them "male figure pop drawings." To be honest, I never thought I would be making art, but I started drawing on my iPad and found this style and couldn’t get it out of my head. Digital art suits me because I can hit “undo." In other forms I get so stuck in my head if there's a mistake.

Can you tell us a bit about your process?
In my art I really try to make your brain and eyes hurt. I love that you’re looking at something you can’t see too well- the nude- but you’re seeing something else beautiful- the view. When I have a drawing that’s almost hard to look at I go “so cool” and then I’m usually done.

You feature a lot of nudity and sex. Has that always been your main subject?
Well, I didn’t originally think my art be all about nudes, but here we are. The nudes actually started because I took this really sexy photo of myself and kept thinking, "I wanna draw it." When I finally did, I shared the drawing with a bunch of friends, like "I think I made something really cool," and then I started drawing all of them, and just really enjoyed it. It’s sexy but also kinda pervy, but also totally art in a way.

How do you pick what to draw from, and what photos and colors you incorporate?
That process is kind of all over the place. Sometimes it just randomly happens, and sometimes it is really hard to get the colors and image just right. I actually decided to use real photography in that first nude of me, because I didn’t know how to draw Palm trees and I didn’t want to learn. I draw a lot of my friends or I find random nudes on twitter. Obviously, I love working with color, so I try to use it as creatively as possible. Digital art is awesome in that you can have some wild combos of colors you can’t always get with paint or anything else- and sometimes when you put two colors next to each other they glow.

Do we get to see that first nude that you did of yourself?

woah_vv’s first go at his style.

woah_vv’s first go at his style.

Oh, you have a nice cock.
“Oh, you have a nice cock,” better be a quote in this interview.


Tell us more about the piece you made for the dandy collection.
Sunshine. I love it. I did go through a few rounds trying to find the right vibes for you, but I’m so glad we did. It’s the first time I’ve ever used two photos in a drawing and I’m really stoked how it came out, especially being able to use a sunflower over the ocean. I love sea and floral themes, and I got to combine the two. Also, one of my favorite things is to stack two shades of the same color for the background and outline. It always makes such a pop in the color, it looks almost like it’s 3D. And then adding a horizon, or a photo with a lot of depth is another mind fuck because your eyes don’t know how to look at it.

Any reason you worked with that particular nude image?
It’s full body, and I think soft nudes are really not.

Who are your favorite artists right now?
At the moment I am a bit obsessed with @drawmedenis and @tomascastroneves on Instagram. @javilostcontrol is probably my favorite artist. Not queer at all, but very cool.


What do you do when you're not making art?
I love video games. PS5, Switch, I play Wild Rift on my iPad. Sometimes it’s tough balancing video games with taking time to make art, but I do my best. Other than that, the normal gay stuff like going out and dancing. I'm so happy the world is opening back up again.

Do you work full time as an artist?
Oh no. I wish! Or do I? I don't know. I work in progressive politics.

Any particular area?
Anything left and progressive. State-wide and national. I’m super into politics. I think if you’re queer you should be into politics.

What’s next for you with your art?
I would LOVE to do a live show. I have so many ideas. No idea how I’d go about that but I'm letting the ideas store up. I thought about doing one for my 30th birthday coming up, but decided I want to relax and have fun instead. woah_vv is a 2021 project, so I want to finish the year strong. I really want to print a coffee table book for Christmas with all my favorite drawings. But we’ll see if that happens. I’d love to throw a show though. It would be so cool.


So is the name woah_vv just tied to this specific series, and then you'll move on to a new one?
Good question. I haven’t decided yet. I think "_vv" will always be a part of my name for any project. I don't know if I’ll use "woah" still, or maybe I will. Who knows.

Does it stand for something?
It’s my name.

But what does it stand for?
It's my name.

Oh I see. So, it's top secret?
Yep. Nailed it.


Any final words of wisdom?
If you’re not sure if you can “art” or if it’ll be any good just do it and try. I’m so frustrated with myself and my parents for never really letting me explore it. It might totally suck, but then try a different medium and see if that works for you. Also I think I speak for all male figure artists: please do not send random cock or ass pics- to anyone really.


Yeah, I don't mind dick pics in general, but I get a surprising number of unsolicited ones.
I’ve talked to a few other gay artists that have a real issue with it, and it makes them not want to do their art and that’s such bullshit. Even if you think someone definitely doesn't mind, you should always have consent before you send nude images to a stranger.

Some of our favorite woah_vv pieces are too graphic to display on our public pages. Please visit the adult-verification-protected gallery to see his full range of work.


more uncensored work in the dandy gallery


instagram :: @woah_vv

website ::

please feel free to show your appreciation or start a discussion in the comments…


market days chicago 2021: that ass is a work of art.


collection artist: Juanmi Rodríguez